[Cabal] Logos. Second draft

Sean Egan seanegan at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 15:46:24 EST 2007

On 1/22/07, Nathan Walp <nwalp at pidgin.im> wrote:
> > So I'm leaning toward "no."
> Ditto.

My girlfriend wants to put us up on worth1000.com.

We contact worth1000, give them a brief description, a prize amount,
and a deadline. Artists all compete for the prize money, we choose
which one we like the best, Worth1000 pays them. We get all the rights
to the logo.

If you look at
http://www.worth1000.com/cdir.asp?display=&filter=f.format_id=4 a lot
of them look really well done, and they all cost more or less 1/15
what Denis was charging.

The only catch is that we have to pay for one, even if we don't like
any of them (which we've already done).

Sound good?


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