Account (dis|en)abling

Stu Tomlinson stu at
Wed May 23 12:39:52 EDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-05-23 at 11:36 -0400, Eric Polino wrote:
> when I enable it in Pidgin it gets enabled for both Finch and Pidgin;
> I've confirmed this in accounts.xml.

This doesn't happen for me. This is exactly why we have UI-specific
preferences for accounts:

        <settings ui='gtk-gaim'>
            <setting name='auto-login' type='bool'>0</setting>
        <settings ui='gnt-purple'>
            <setting name='auto-login' type='bool'>1</setting>

> On a side note.  When I enabled MSN in Pidgin it added settings for
> gnt-gaim to my accounts.xml.  Also, Pidgin is refered to as gtk-gaim
> there also.  If this is a bug and should be reported I'll do that.

The fact that we haven't yet migrated from "gtk-gaim" as the internally
used UI identifier for pidgin is known.



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