IRC panels upen upon startup

John Bailey rekkanoryo at
Mon Oct 1 00:01:33 EDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Kenneth G. Goutal wrote:
> Perhaps my expectations here are wrong.  Wouldn't be the first time.
> But if that is so, it would be helpful to know why things are happening 
> the way they do.
> Again, I really do understand that these messages are being sent to me 
> from the server,
> not generated by Pidgin for mysterious reasons.
> What is mysterious to me is why I'm getting connected to the server
> whether or not, and before, I explicitly request to use that server.

When you create an account in Pidgin, it by default takes on the current global
status.  You probably are online in the global status, so Pidgin signed the IRC
account on.  It is connected to the server but not joined to any channels, which
is perfectly valid.  At this point, you could message other IRC users, or even
add them to your buddy list (which Pidgin fakes due to lack of such a concept in
IRC), in a similar manner to using any regular IM protocol.  Note also that if
the IRC account were to be disabled and therefore signed off, the channels on
your buddy list would disappear.

> If, for instance, I were logged in on a UNIX box, and I ran 
> "/usr/local/bin/irc",
> it will happily (well, maybe grudgingly) start up without knowing ahead 
> of time
> which, if any, server to connect to.  It just sits there until I give it 
> a command
> telling which server to connect to.

Pidgin is not a "standard" IRC client, thus it acts differently.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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