GSoC projects

Jorge Villaseñor salinasv at
Wed Mar 25 00:00:10 EDT 2015

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 3:30 PM, Máté Eckl <ecklm94 at> wrote:

> Dear Pidgin Developers,
> I browsed GSoC projects, and I'm really interested in the new protocol and
> the logging system development for Pidgin. I'd prefer the new protocol
> project, however I don't have any experience on networking from a
> programming language. Actually neither in glibc nor libpurple, but I think
> it's not a big problem. I can learn it, and as I'm an every-day user of
> Facebook chat and Hangouts/Google talk through Pidgin, I'm motivated enough
> to do it well.
> Of course I have former experience in different programming languages
> including c (I also studied it for one year at the university), c++, and
> some others connected to web-development, and I'm also familiar with
> protocols, and the bases of networking (this semester I'm building a DNS
> server in the college).
> Do you think this motivation is  enough to compete for this project? Or do
> you have any special requirements I left out?
> Best regards,
> Máté Eckl
Hi, I am glad you are motivated.

There are no special requirements to work on this projects, still it would
be helpful if you get familiar with how this protocols works. Specially
because facebook and hangouts are propietary protocols that you will have
to reverse engineer. If possible, it would be a really helpful if you can
find some documentation or some mechanisms to reverse engineer the

Please add this information on your application and welcome.


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