GSoC is over

Ethan Blanton elb at
Mon Sep 14 20:30:35 EDT 2015

James Geboski spake unto us the following wisdom:
> I spoke to Eion briefly about merging this, and offered any assistance
> required.  He stated he was busy with personal matters for the time
> being, and that someone else was free to take on the task.  If someone
> else would like to do the merging, let me know, as I am willing to
> help with any issues that might arise.  It should merge rather
> cleanly, though.

Everything in the protocols/facebook directory you should feel free to
merge at any time.  If you have changes to libpurple or pidgin, those
might need another eyeball.

> Also, is there any branch I can put patches in once this is merged?  I
> will gladly keep this and the back-ported purple2 plugin maintained.

Unless there are objections from other corners, I would propose that
you just become maintainer of the prpl directly.


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