[Pidgin] #2283: Personal Avatar shows up blank black to yahoo messenger users.

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Aug 27 12:36:57 EDT 2007

#2283: Personal Avatar shows up blank black to yahoo messenger users.
  Reporter:  Enygma        |       Owner:                    
      Type:  defect        |      Status:  new               
  Priority:  minor         |   Milestone:                    
 Component:  pidgin (gtk)  |     Version:  2.0.2             
Resolution:                |    Keywords:  avatar not working
   Pending:  0             |  
Comment (by Enygma):

 >>Personal Avatar shows up blank black to yahoo messenger users.
 >>Reported by:  Enygma  Assigned to:
 >>Priority:     minor   Milestone:

 >>Opened 1 month ago
 >>Last modified 11 minutes ago

 This is quite funny, in a sick, sad way...

 I reported this bug in earlier tickets before and still no resolution.

 This ticket is older than one month now and no one bothered to review
 it... having the default 'minor' priority.

 Dear Pidgin developers, this is a 'MAJOR' bug, noticeable, deranging and
 quite embarrassing actually...

 Please do something about it... I have friends suffering from the same
 issue and as I said in an earlier reply to this ticket, IT HAS WORKED, for
 a couple of days without me requiring to update or anything so if it's an
 error I can fix, please provide a resolution or just fix the damn thing.

 Sorry about the tone, but I`m very frustrated about this.

 Please provide a solution.

 Thank you.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/2283#comment:6>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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