[Pidgin] #4528: in buddy list window status message

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Dec 31 19:48:05 EST 2007

#4528: in buddy list window status message
Reporter:  fishpool  |       Owner:  lschiere    
    Type:  task      |      Status:  new         
Priority:  minor     |   Component:  unclassified
 Version:  2.3.1     |    Keywords:  status      
 Pending:  0         |  
 in the buddy list old status messages seem to remain and reappear long
 after the user had them, usually an old away message shows up when they
 are available

 on AIM only i've noticed, though it could be because of AIM itself, not
 sure. anyone else seeing this?

 windows XP

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4528>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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