[Pidgin] #3437: Sametime 7.5 idle times too high by exactly 2^32 milliseconds

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Oct 3 16:40:04 EDT 2007

#3437: Sametime 7.5 idle times too high by exactly 2^32 milliseconds
Reporter:  lpm     |       Owner:  siege    
    Type:  defect  |      Status:  new      
Priority:  minor   |   Component:  Sametime 
 Version:  2.2.1   |    Keywords:  idle time
 Pending:  0       |  
 The patch to correctly display idle time from Sametime 7.5 users works
 beautifully, except that some sametime 7.5 users show an idle time too
 high by about 49 days.

 Upon investigation, it appears the idle time of a Sametime 7.5 user is
 either good or too high by 2**32 milliseconds. Which leads me to believe
 that there is a 64-bit integer used where a 32-bit unsigned integer should
 have been used somewhere in the sametime idle computation code in pidgin.

 Example: a sametime 7.5 user would be shown as idle for 1193 hours and 28
 minutes (about 4296480000 milliseconds, a quantity bigger than 2**32)
 whereas in reality  this user is idle for 25 minutes (about 1512000

Ticket URL: <https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/3437>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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