[Pidgin] #4943: QQ protocol cannot receive Tibetan text from official QQ2008 client

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Feb 27 23:10:15 EST 2008

#4943: QQ protocol cannot receive Tibetan text from official QQ2008 client
Reporter:  dalias  |       Owner:  seanegan
    Type:  defect  |      Status:  new     
Priority:  minor   |   Component:  QQ      
 Version:  2.3.1   |    Keywords:          
 Pending:  0       |  
 When an official QQ2008 client sends text in the Tibetan script (U+0Fxx)
 to Pidgin's QQ module, it comes through as white boxes. The Debug Window
 confirms that the bytes in the data stream are A1 F5, which is GB18030 for
 U+25A1, white box.

 I suspect that QQ2008 performs the "white box" replacement whenever
 sending to a client which it thinks is "too old" to support GB18030 (and
 instead just supports GB2312 or GBK) to avoid creating problems for old
 clients. If this is really the case, Pidgin's QQ module should be updated
 to identify itself as QQ2008. At present it identifies as QQ2003.

 Sending Tibetan text from Pidgin to QQ2008 is also broken, but the
 behavior is slightly different. If I can collect more information, I will
 follow up on this ticket.

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/4943>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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