[Pidgin] #9013: Change hardcoded CLOSE_CONV_TIMEOUT_SECS to user selected value

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Wed Apr 29 02:07:00 EDT 2009

#9013: Change hardcoded CLOSE_CONV_TIMEOUT_SECS to user selected value
 Reporter:  dlou99                  |        Owner:              
     Type:  patch                   |       Status:  new         
Milestone:  Patches Needing Review  |    Component:  pidgin (gtk)
  Version:  2.5.5                   |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:                          |  

Comment(by ksi):

 Replying to [comment:13 deryni]:
 > If you want to control the length of time conversation history is kept
 then don't close the window, or use logging with an automated cleanup job.
 It isn't something that this feature is designed to handle, and isn't a
 compelling reason to make the timeout configurable. Especially once the
 bug is fixed.

 But what should I do if I want/have to close conversation windows? Log
 with auto clean up job is the first I thought about, but it isn't so easy
 to implement (because of need to have sliding window of log, for expl
 delete from all logs only messages older than 10 minutes). If the feature
 is not for it, I have to wait for plugin for this.

 And which bug is fixed you said ?

Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/9013#comment:17>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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