[Pidgin] #11474: Chat Window Horizontal Resize Limited (was: Chat Window Horizontally Resize Limited)

Pidgin trac at pidgin.im
Mon Mar 1 04:16:44 EST 2010

#11474: Chat Window Horizontal Resize Limited
 Reporter:  Ktzero3                        |        Owner:  rekkanoryo  
     Type:  defect                         |       Status:  new         
Milestone:                                 |    Component:  unclassified
  Version:  2.6.6                          |   Resolution:              
 Keywords:  chat window resize horizontal  |  
Description changed by Ktzero3:

Old description:

> The chat window can no longer be horizontally resized completely. The
> minimum width in which the chat window can be horizontally resized is
> equal to the total width of the icons (Bold, Italic... Insert Smiley)
> above the text input window. Prior to this, the chat window width could
> be resized to smaller than the combined icon widths, thus a long
> rectangular chat window with dimensions similar to a buddy list window
> would be possible.

New description:

 The chat window can no longer be horizontally resized below certain
 limits. The minimum width in which the chat window can be horizontally
 resized is equal to the total width of the icons (Bold, Italic... Insert
 Smiley) above the text input window. Prior to this, the chat window width
 could be resized to smaller than the combined icon widths, thus a long
 rectangular chat window with dimensions similar to a buddy list window
 would be possible.


Ticket URL: <http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11474#comment:1>
Pidgin <http://pidgin.im>

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